I'm a photographer now

05 Mar 2019

No. I am not a photographer. It’s a joke. Anyway, I got me an Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark III a few weeks ago. Took me a few years. I’ve always...

Long time no see

15 Aug 2018

It’s been a while since I last posted an entry. I’ve been working as a full-stack developer at Suria Labs Development for almost 6 months now. It’s been good so...

I am now self hosting!

03 Nov 2017

I met my geekest friend a few days back and he showed me how he’s running Docker containers on his VPS to serve apps. Now that’s neat, I thought. And...

A horse race

01 Aug 2017

Recently, I had a technical interview with a startup for a back end developer position. The questions they asked was quite hard for me to answer. I don’t know if...

KamusKita Embedded

17 Apr 2017

I added an embedding functionality to KamusKita so people can easily embed words in their website. I was inspired by Twitter and Facebook embedding functionality. It makes it convinient to...